Understanding Marketplace Campaigns – Select

Learn more about the Service Direct Marketplace Campaigns and Leads

The majority of Service Direct Select Clients use both Select Campaigns and Marketplace Campaigns an sources of high-quality, high-converting Leads . Marketplace leads come from dozens of vetted websites and other Publishing Partners. As consumers search for your services across these sources, we connect them with your business in real-time.


SeparatorLineSigning Up for Service Direct Marketplace

Currently Marketplace Campaigns are only available to our clients in the United States. As a member of the Service Direct Select program, you will automatically receive Marketplace Leads if you provide service in any of these qualifying Service Categories.


SeparatorLineAdjusting Marketplace Campaigns

We’ve made it simple to view and adjust your Marketplace Campaign settings in mySD Campaigns Manager. In both the Lead Manager and Campaigns Manager, Marketplace Campaign names begin with “Marketplace” so you can easily differentiate between these and your Select Campaigns.



You can adjust many of the same settings with Marketplace Campaigns as with your Select Campaigns, including:


SeparatorLineManaging Marketplace Leads

Marketplace Leads can be managed in the mySD Lead Manager just like Leads from your Select Campaigns. Set the Lead’s Progress, track your ROI, submit a Lead for review, and record notes to help understand Lead performance. 

Note: All Marketplace Leads received that are common services provided by companies in your Service Category are deemed Billable, even if you are unable to convert that potential customer into booking service. See Understanding Billable and Non-Billable Leads for more information.

Learn more about Managing Your Leads