mySD How-To and Service Direct Overview Videos

View Videos to learn about the core features of mySD and how Service Direct marketing works.

SeparatorLineService Direct Overview

Learn more about how Service Direct simplifies online marketing and brings your business New Potential Customers.



SeparatorLinemySD How-To – Campaigns Manager

Your Service Direct Campaigns are specific to your Service Categories and Service Areas and generate incoming Leads for your business. You can see all your Campaigns in the mySD Campaigns Manager.


Read Article: Adjust Cost Per Lead





mySD How-To – Lead Manager

The Leads generated by your Service Direct Campaigns are visible in your Lead Manager. You can Search and Filter to find specific Leads and you can Manage their Progress as well as see Lead Performance Metrics and ROI.


Read Article: Manage Lead Progress



Read Article: Filter and Search Leads



mySD How-To – General Settings

Manage Users, Notifications, and other aspects of mySD.


Read Article: Filter and Search Leads