Understanding Billable and Non-Billable Leads

Learn about what makes a Lead Billable or Non-Billable and how to Submit a Lead for Review.




  • Billable Lead: Any Lead that occurs when a New Potential Customer is seeking a service that your Service Category typically provides or any Lead that results in a Booked Appointment.
  • Non-Billable Lead: Answered Phone Call Leads that had no service need from your company or Form Leads with non-working customer contact information.

Examples of Non-Billable Leads:

  • The call duration is less than 20 seconds.
  • The caller is Spam, a Robocall, or is clearly identifiable as a Wrong Number.
  • The caller is seeking employment.
  • The caller is soliciting.
  • The caller is seeking a Service Category you do not provide (e.g. You are a plumber, but this caller requires an electrician).
    • Please note that booking an appointment with the caller, even for a service you do not provide, will automatically make the Lead Billable.
  • The caller is a previous customer.
  • The caller is located outside of your Service Area.
  • The caller was referred to you directly from another person.
  • The Form Lead has non-working customer contact information.
  • The Call or Form Lead came in while your Campaign is Paused. 
In many cases, our technology and our human Lead Review Team will catch these types of Leads and mark them as Non-Billable, but many times we have to rely on you to Submit the Lead for Review in your Lead Manager.

Examples of Billable Leads with No Booked Appointment

Our service is designed to put you in front of real, New Potential Customers seeking your services. Although many Billable Leads will result in Booked Appointments, this does not mean every Lead opportunity we send your way can be closed. The following are examples of when Leads are still Billable despite not turning into a Booked Appointment:

  • Missed Calls
    • All Missed Calls are considered Billable since we cannot investigate them due to the fact that there's no Call Recording to listen to.
  • Price Shoppers
  • Caller seeks a service that your Service Category typically provides.
  • Call Drops / Hangups.
  • Caller books service with a competitor after reaching you.
  • Cannot agree on pricing.
  • Caller cancels their Appointment.

Booked Appointments Make Leads Automatically Billable

Please note that if a Lead results in a Booked Appointment, even for a Service Category different from that of your Campaign, that Lead will automatically be considered Billable.

  • Example: You have a Gutter Installation Campaign, but do not have a Gutter Cleaning Campaign. If a caller requests Gutter Cleaning and you do decline the work, then the Lead will be considered Non-Billable as a service not offered. However, if you do want the job and book the appointment, despite it not being a typical Gutter Installation job, then the Lead will be considered Billable since an appointment was booked. 


SeparatorLineSubmit a Lead for Review


We generate many thousands of Leads across the country and are always improving our automated technologies as well as expanding our human Lead Review Team to catch Non-Billable Leads before our Clients are even aware of them. But, we also need you to help that process by submitting Leads for Review if you believe them to be genuinely Non-Billable according to our Service Terms.

We never want to charge you for a Lead that does not have the potential to turn into new business for you. Our Lead Review process ensures that you have the ability to dispute Leads you believe should be Non-Billable.

A Lead is Eligible for Review if...

  • The Call is Answered.
  • The Lead was received less than 7 days ago.
  • Call Recording was enabled at the time the Phone Call Lead was received.

Once submitted, our Quality Assurance Team will get back to you typically within 2-3 business days with a decision.

While in your Lead Manager, you can click any Lead row to expand it to a detailed view. In addition to seeing valuable information specific to that Lead, here you will also find the option to Submit for Review.




In the popup, please choose a reason you believe this Lead should not be billed. Note any follow-up attempts, previous calls received by the same customer, or solicitors in the Explanation box. The more details you leave, the more informed we can be when making a Lead Review decision.




SeparatorLineCall Insights Service


Our Call Insights Service is designed to help you increase the profitability of your Campaigns while also saving you valuable time and money.


Our team will proactively review your Leads to ensure you only pay for Leads from new potential customers and capture critical data points to help you understand key Performance Metrics and make smarter decisions.

Learn More about the Call Insights Service